skipai - This console command makes the AI skip a turn (i.e.bondsoldiers - This console command bonds (true), or unbonds (false), the two specified soldiers.Complete all mission objectives with the ForceCompleteObjective command before using this to win your mission. If all objectives are completed, you will win the mission, otherwise you will fail. endbattle - This command will end your current mission.Complete all of your mission objectives with this command before using the endbattle command to win your current mission. forcecompleteobjective - This command will complete the specified objective for your current mission.removefortressdoom - This console command removes the specified amount of doom from the Avatar Project.Note that this will demote your soldier to squaddie rank, and that you should make a save before using This console command, as some classes can break your game. makesoldieraclass - This console command sets the class of the soldier with the specified name.If you are using the WOTC DLC, you will also need to specify the 0/1 argument at the end of the command. setsoldierstat - This console command will set the stat of the specified solider to the specified value.going into the Geoscape and back) will apply changes.
Xcom 2 walkthrough skysaga update#
The game may not update instantly after using This console command - switching screens (e.g.

You can then open it from the game by pressing the ~, ', or \ key on your keyboard. The console in XCOM 2 can be enabled by adding -allowconsole to your game's launch options.