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In truth, Patolli deeply despises all humans and their willingness to betray others and their own kind. In return, they are fanatically loyal to him, as shown when Catherine and George claim they would never betray him. While posing as Licht, Patolli displays great compassion for his followers, to the point of losing his composure when Valtos is injured in his presence.

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Patolli transformed into a dark elf Personality Six months later, his original tattoos are back. When he is resurrected in Licht's artificial body, his left sclera is black and his tattoos are gone.

After he recovers mentally, his skin and right eye return to normal. When Patolli becomes a dark elf, his skin darkens and his scleras turn black. Once his reincarnation is complete, Patolli's ears become pointed and his tattoos change. Months later, his arm has been healed by Fana. His right forearm and hand are withered and completely bandaged due to an injury from Julius Novachrono. He wears a long, hooded white robe ending in black lines with sleeves extending past his hands, and a black shawl over his shoulders and upper chest, held by a long ornament. The undershirt appears to have the same pattern as his Kippah.

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Tied around his waist are several belts with a long cord attached to one of them. His attire consists of dark- and light-colored robes layered over light-colored trousers, dark-colored boots, and a padded, light-colored shirt with a high collar. He also wears jewelry, including looped earrings. His long hair is braided back into several long extensions with a Kippah covering the top of his head ending with a cross over his forehead with an eye etched into the center. He has red crescent tattoos with three buds framing the sides of his eyes, and two red dots above his eyes instead of eyebrows. Due to having Licht's appearance, Patolli looks like a tall, slender elf with white hair and gold eyes.

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